The Second Virtual Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Weather and Climate Modelling aims to bring together scientists and industry experts working on Machine Learning, Exascale hardware and Programming Models to track emerging developments in areas that are relevant to the weather and climate community. In particular, for supporting future very high-resolution weather and climate models, the workshop will focus on the associated massive data processing/data analytics activities and their execution on future HPC systems.
This workshop is organised in the context of the “Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe” (ESiWACE) phase 2 project.
The virtual workshop will be divided into three main sessions:
Session 1: European Exascale hardware
Session 2: Programming models and hardware interplay
Session 3: Machine learning
We encourage registration and participation of attendees with diverse backgrounds and of all genders in order to foster diversity and inclusion.
Registration is required for attending the online workshop. The meeting link will be made available to registered users only. Note that the registration closes on the 6th of October 2022.
Program Committee:
Giovanni Aloisio (CMCC), Italo Epicoco (CMCC), Peter Dueben (ECMWF), Rupert Ford (STFC), Erwan Raffin (ATOS), Donatello Elia (CMCC)
Time slot for presenters and chairpersons to test their setup in the Zoom meeting