ESiWACE3 General Assembly

Yoho Hotel

Yoho Hotel

Moorkamp 5, 20357 Hamburg

The 2024 ESiWACE3 General Assembly will be held  in Hamburg, Germany.

The meeting will encompass presentations on work performed and on related projects, as well as planing sessions on topics and tasks to be performed in the future.


The meeting will be held in-person. All ESiWACE3 staff members are invited to attend this meeting.

Location: YoHo Hotel, Moorkamp. ca 1km walking distance from DKRZ


We have an option for 12 rooms at the YoHo, six for 109,- and six for 119,- each. When reserving a room please refer to "DKRZ". The rooms are guaranteed on a first come first serve basis until Sept 16th.
A list of other Hotels near DKRZ can be found on the website of our neighbor MPI-M:

How to join virtually:
This is the LINK for the plenary sessions: tbd

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