Introduction to Freva: general usage and plugin development

Martin Bergemann, Mostafa Hadizadeh, Christopher Kadow, Etor Lucio Eceiza

Target group(s): anyone in the below mentioned projects (general usage), users with a plugin in mind to develop (plugin development).

Deadline for registration: May 28 23:59 CET

Freva, the free evaluation system framework, is a data search and analysis platform developed at DKRZ-CLINT group.  With help of Freva researchers can:

  • quickly and intuitively search for data stored at typical data centers that host many datasets.
  • create a common interface for user defined data analysis tools (plugins).
  • apply data analysis tools in a reproducible manner.


There are currently several projects using different Freva instances running in Levante. These course(s) are (mainly) directed to the following 4 projects:

  • Coming Decades (codes)
  • GEMS-Warmworld (gems), tied to project 1414.
  • RegIKlim-Nukleus (regiklim), tied to project ch1187.
  • ClimXtreme (xces), tied to project bm1159.


We are offering 2 consecutive courses: 

  • general usage: targets a broader audience interested on learning the basics of Freva, e.g. data search and plugin run. 12th of June, Wed 09.00-12.30
  • plugin development: targets a smaller group of people interested on developing analysis tools for their respective projects. 13th of June, Thur 09.00-15.30


About the courses:

  • The assistance to both courses is not compulsory (one can pick the first one, the second one or both).
  • Participants are required to have a DKRZ account (link to create one), it is recomended that the users already belong to one of the aforementioned projects (link to request access, once you have a DKRZ account).
  • The hands-on exercises will be run with our open freva instance (web) and at DKRZ's jupyterhub (rest).
  • The current content of the course is orientative and subjected to (some) updates.


Workshop Material:

Repository with all the necessary information of the workshop: exercises, talks, video recordings, plugin.

Organized by

Martin Bergemann, Mostafa Hadizadeh, Christopher Kadow, Etor Lucio Eceiza

Evaluation of the Freva courses
  • Wednesday, June 12
    • Day 1: Freva: general usage
      Conveners: Christopher Kadow, Etor Lucio Eceiza, Martin Bergemann, Mostafa Hadizadeh
      • 1
        Introduction to Freva

        A comprehensive overview on Freva:
        • history and description of the tools
        • overview on the main Freva functionalities: data-browser, plugin, history of runs.

      • 2
        Hands-on: Freva via web

        First block of hands-on exercises via Freva web:
        - overview of the web-page
        - databrowser: learning to find different data through it
        - plugin usage: exercise with a couple of tool
        - history-results: checking on the runs we did previously, learning how to re-run, share different runs.
        - result-browser: history result of everyone


      • 10:40 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 3
        Set up for 2nd and 3rd hands-on

        Time to check and solve out problems with DKRZ account, jupyter hub access etc.

      • 4
        Hands-on: Freva via command line (option a, depending on poll results)

        Second block of hands-on exercises via Freva command line (cli):
        - overview of the cli functionalities
        - databrowser: learning to find different data through it
        - plugin usage: exercise with a couple of tool
        - history-results: checking on the runs we did previously, learning how to re-run, share different runs.
        - user-add: functionalities to add or link your own data.


      • 12:20 PM
        Lunch Break
      • 5
        Hands-on: Freva via python client (option b, depending on poll results)

        Third block of hands-on exercises via Freva python client:
        - overview of the python functionalities
        - databrowser: learning to find different data through it
        - plugin usage: exercise with a couple of tool
        - history-results: checking on the runs we did previously, learning how to re-run, share different runs.
        - user-add: functionalities to add or link your own data.


      • 6
        closing remarks
    • Day 2
      Conveners: Etor Lucio Eceiza, Martin Bergemann, Mostafa Hadizadeh
      • 7
        Introduction to a Freva plugin

        • overall structure of a plugin
        • dependencies of a plugin
        • git & gitlab, where plugins are located
        • typical interaction workflow to move from a tool to a freva-plugin
        • licensing of a plugin
        • how to connect to levante with e.g. vscode


      • 8
        Hands-on 1: accessing gitlab and cloning a plugin
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 9
        Dissecting a Freva Plugin
        • what is a Freva wrapper? Main components
        • how to connect a tool to Freva
        • Freva databrowser restAPI for non-python languages
        • how to install all needed libraries of a tool
        • the link2fordata utility
        • how to plug a plugin to Freva
        • extra: calling a plugin within a plugin with git submodules


      • 11:45 AM
        Lunch break
      • 10
        Hands-on 2: playing with a plugin

        Interactive example with the previously cloned plugin:
        • looking at the diff components
        • testing how to connect via cli, web, python
        • modifying, debugging


      • 11
        Closing remarks