31/03/2025, 13:30
A short welcome to the participants and speakers.
31/03/2025, 13:40
- what is a node, cpu
- historical development
- architecture
31/03/2025, 14:00
- difference between a programming language and Python
- assembler, compiler, interpreter
31/03/2025, 14:15
- connecting to Levante with Jupyterhub
- Jupyterlab
- notebook
- terminal
31/03/2025, 15:00
- terminal
- via WSL
- command line and shell
- editor
01/04/2025, 09:00
- Jupyterhub
- Jupyterlab
- terminal
- copy course material
01/04/2025, 10:00
- boolean
- integer
- floating-point
- complex
- conversion between types
- None
01/04/2025, 15:45
- try and except
- logging
- debugging