The planned program session is from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (with coffee and lunch breaks in between). After that, we will still be around to address any specific topics/issues.
Hands-on: CUDA, OpenACC, and more: Many ways lead to GPUs
In this session, we will focus on utilizing GPUs for scientific workloads. First, in form of a talk, the most important features of massively parallel GPU architectures are outlined and different programming models presented. Then, in a subsequent hands-on session, practical examples of porting to these programming models are given, focussing on the most commonly used models (CUDA, OpenACC, possibly Kokkos).
Data Management:
3) The basics and benefits of data standardization including an introduction of tools and services offered at DKRZ as well as an extensive hands-on session (Dr. Angelika Heil, Martin Schupfner, DKRZ)
Since we are planning with extensive hands-on sessions, please bring your laptop to the session for full benefit!